Near Vancouver BC? Don’t miss Apologetics Canada Conference 2016, March 4th & 5th, w/ J Warner Wallace, Natasha Crain, & Abdu Murray, + many more…
Dissecting a camel tale – apologetics meets the media
Do camel bones really disprove the Bible? And, do journalists still do research? An actual look at the ORIGINAL evidence for domesticated camels in Israel.
The New-er Atheists: Two movements battle for heart and mind
New Atheism is getting old, but there are two new-er atheist movements Christians do need to take seriously, which go after both the heart and mind.
Integrity and Christian apologetics: An Ergun Caner case study
Are truth, integrity, & Christian behavior important to apologetic ministries? It seems not in the eyes of Ergun Caner and supporters like Norm Geisler.
Is intelligent design science?
Who decides if intelligent design is science? Hint: Not scientists or rogue judges. Methodological naturalism is NOT neutral; it’s not science either.
Abortion mills and Kermit Gosnell: What is the real problem?
What really caused the outrage over the Kermit Gosnell abortion mill? Considering this case, our culture, a confused legal system, and an opportunity.
Apologetics Canada Conference 2013
Near Vancouver, B.C. Canada? Don’t miss, Apologetics Canada Conference 2013. // Check out J. Warner Wallace’s new book, “Cold-Case Christianity.”
The Titanic: reality, legend, and the use of parallels.
It is a dark, cold April night in the icy waters of the North Atlantic. The world’s largest luxury liner is on a voyage… – Who are we? What do we do?
A more personal, thorough look at what is all about and what we are doing; training Christians! Check out our About page too.
Twitter kerfuffle over Canadian ERC Curriculum
A kerfuffle erupts over Canadian ERC (Ethics and Religious Culture) curriculum. See how the discussion eventually uncovers the REAL problem!