Do you get blank stares when you mention apologetics? Should we find a new term? A look at how to help people understand us and build community.
Free-will and choice confusion
Do we have free-will, or simply free-choice? If we don’t, is everything determined? A look at the all-too-often confusion of terms and some implications.
Evolution: understanding the term
In the coming weeks, I will be posting a blog which should be very helpful to people struggling with the issue of creation vs evolution. However, as a background to …
Faith – part II
Since the previous post on faith I did a bit more digging. First, the word faith – remember, faith is an English word translated from the Greek = pistis from …
Faith…. ‘wishful thinking’?
I often hear people talk about faith as if it is ‘wishful thinking’. This is especially true in the ‘science vs. religion’ debates. “I have my reason…. you have your …