Do camel bones really disprove the Bible? And, do journalists still do research? An actual look at the ORIGINAL evidence for domesticated camels in Israel.
The New-er Atheists: Two movements battle for heart and mind
New Atheism is getting old, but there are two new-er atheist movements Christians do need to take seriously, which go after both the heart and mind.
Free-will and choice confusion
Do we have free-will, or simply free-choice? If we don’t, is everything determined? A look at the all-too-often confusion of terms and some implications.
Integrity and Christian apologetics: An Ergun Caner case study
Are truth, integrity, & Christian behavior important to apologetic ministries? It seems not in the eyes of Ergun Caner and supporters like Norm Geisler.
The Resurrection of Jesus: Investigation & Apologetic Approach
While Christians know Jesus lives, is it reasonable for them to believe in the Resurrection based on the evidence? A part 2 look at method.
But, I don’t have time for apologetics!
You do have time for Christian apologetics, and you must get involved! Find out how and why you must begin today.
The Resurrection of Jesus: A Christian Apologetics Cornerstone
While Christians know Jesus lives, is it reasonable for them to believe in the Resurrection based on the evidence? A part 1 look at the logic.
Is intelligent design science?
Who decides if intelligent design is science? Hint: Not scientists or rogue judges. Methodological naturalism is NOT neutral; it’s not science either.
Abortion mills and Kermit Gosnell: What is the real problem?
What really caused the outrage over the Kermit Gosnell abortion mill? Considering this case, our culture, a confused legal system, and an opportunity.
In Christ Alone: A Great Contemporary Hymn Example
Join in as we look at the state of contemporary Christian worship music and take a look at an example of a great modern hymn.